Privacy Policy

Dear User,

pursuant to art. 13 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter also “GDPR”) and to the current national privacy legislation, by this policy we provide you the information about the modalities and the purposes of the processing of your personal data, collected through our web site.

1. Data Controller

The Data Controller is Golden Boy Technology & Innovation S.r.l., with registered office in Milano, Via della Spiga n. 42. You can contact him via registered mail to or by sending a registered letter to Golden Boy Technology & Innovation S.r.l., with registered office in Milan, Via della Spiga n.42, to the attention of the Data Controller.

2. Purposes of the processing

The personal data you provided through the navigation on our site will be used by the Controller in order to allow a better enjoyment of our services and, in particular, for the following purposes:

  1. register and use our services through the Site;
  2. view the video content related to each user as well as the related comments, if any;
  3. response to any requests for information made by email;
  4. advertisement in the Site forums, correspondence and, in any case, any type of documentation sent by the user to the Company through the Site;
  5. storage and protection on our server of the data uploaded by the User;
  6. profiling activity consisting in identifying your preferences and needs in order to provide personalized information and tailored to your needs.

3. Data access

Your data can be notified to the following subject, for the purposes of paragraph 2:

  • companies or other third parties (subjects providing services for the computer system and the telecommunications network, as well as the website, etc.) that handle personal data in outsourcing on the Data Controller behalf. These have been appointed Processors;
  • public entities, in order to comply with legal obligation, and judicial authorities, if required;
  • other subjects authorized by the Controller for carrying out the assignments and functions entrusted to them.

You can find the whole list of the Processors writing to

4. Processing method

Personal data are processed by the Data Controller according to lawfulness, fairness and transparency principles.

Data processing is carried out by the following operations: collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction of data.

Data Controller will process your personal data for the necessary time to fulfill the purposes mentioned above.

5. Legal Basis of treatment

The conferral and treatment of your personal data is spontaneous and optional and is configured necessary for the establishment of the contractual relationship, as well as for the possible sending of the request and the receipt of a feedback from the Controller.

Each treatment is carried out by the Controller for the proper functioning of the Site, as well as for the pursuit of a legitimate interest, which constitutes the legal basis of the treatment within the meaning of art. 6, par. 1, lett. f) GDPR.

6. Data subjects’ rights

As data subject, you have certain rights in accordance with the European Regulation. You can address to the Data Controller: the access to personal data, the indication of the modalities, purposes and reasoning of processing, the request for restriction, objection or data portability, the rectification and erasure, in accordance with restrictions and conditions specified by the European Regulation. Lastly, you have the right to file a complaint to the supervisory authority.

You can exercise your rights, described above, and withdrawal your consent in any time writing to the Data Controller via registered mail to

7. Cookies

For information regarding the use of cookies through our website, please read our Cookies Policy.

For any clarification or information on the contents of this policy, please send an email to

The Data Controller
Golden Boy Technology & Innovation S.r.l.

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